Saturday 8 October 2011


Scene 1

Fade in

A man (early twenties, dark hair and a fair complexion) is seen leaning over a kitchen counter. He is waiting for his kettle to boil, whilst reading a newspaper.

'Ascension' appears beside him. Bottom right corner.

Shot changes to full frontal. A cross is seen in the far wall.


Shot changes to a small dog, lying in its basket, slightly reacting to the noise.

Back to the man (Anthony), he is still looking at the magazine.


Anthony puts down the magazine and walks away. The cross is gone. He opens a door.

Along a corridor.

Anthony walks to the door. And opens it.

Postal worker, shoulder height, hands Anthony a box and asks him to sign for it. Anthony takes it. He shuts the door.

He walks back to the kitchen, takes out a small knife and opens the cardboard box.

Close up of fingers and hands, crossed with photos on the wall and notes on the fridge.

He removes a small wooden, chestnut box and opens it, he pulls out a pouch and a small letter.


(In head)

Dear Mr...I regret to inform you...death of your grandfather.



Please find enclosed...inheritance.

He fingers the pouch, undoing the strings and emptying the contents onto the kitchen counter. Marbles roll.

From the counter, marble rolling towards the counter.

One stops before the camera, whilst others roll past. Anthony picks it up.

CLOSE UP: marble. something is stirring inside, zoom into insides.

Scene 2

Animated. holding hands, walking towards a house. anthony and girlfriend.

Anthony close up, side on, a cross is seen behind him.



She's not..converting.

CLOSE UP:of an elderly man, side on, opposite anthony.



Get out.

The words as text slip out of his mouth and fill the frame beside him.



It doesn't matter, like it did anymore!



Get out!

The text is more capitalised and sharper.

Scene 3


Anthony jumps in fright, he drops the marble and goes for the door again, in a more hurried pace. He answers the door.


Anthony's girlfriend walks in.



Hey, you! What's up?

They embrace.


My grandfather passed away.





They walk to the kitchen.


He left me these ma-

Floor, a marble.

Anthony steps directly on it, slipping. His head hits the floor.

Screams form Michelle.

Anthony stares wide eyed at the ceiling. Camera moves slowly away, ascending.

Screams mute.

Scene 4

Animation again. Anthony with angel wings, floats up to heaven. Above him, a great hand, belonging to grandfather, with a puppet strings controller.

Fade out.

Quote: Heb.13:5b    I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

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