Saturday 8 October 2011

Comparing different styles of magazines.

Different styles and layouts are what separate and differentiate magazines, apart front their content.
EMPIRE: Empire magazine has a font that is reminiscent of fonts used for sky scrapers and tall buildings, both sophisticated and informal at the same time, the font is a great all rounder.

Inside, the spread features many different bold colours in separate text boxes, on most pages, an image taking up just less than half the page and then text below until the end. Different colours help to differentiate different sections, making this an easier read and less daunting.

Sight&Sound: Sight and sound magazine is a part of the BFI (British Film Institution). The magazine counterpart, this is usually for film buffs interested more so in the people behind the films as well as the films themselves.

Minimalistic and pleasing to the idea, the layout focuses more on text than images, only using when needed, this makes the magazine a more sophisticated read.

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