Friday 7 October 2011

How short films are consumed.

Short films are usually not consumed in movie theatres like their feature length counterparts. Sometimes used more as a launch pad for budding film directors and actors, short films take a sideline in modern day media distribution. However events like film festivals such as Cannes and Sundance celebrate them and offer awards for the best of their kind. These 'honourable mentions in short films' present the creators with a wide audience and perhaps investment from watching companies.

In DVDs, short films are sometimes added as an extra. In Pixar DVDs, a few from their collection of short films are usually added, as they are in their initial release in theatres, before the beginning of the film. For example, 'For The Birds' before 'Monsters Inc'.

These can serve as a 'warm up act' much like in a stand up show, to introduce a sense of comfort for the audience and to generally rouse them for laughter.

The BBC Film Network showcases a wide variety of user submitted content, so any budding film maker can present his work on a world platform, for criticism, reviews etc. A diverse variety, the film network has a smorgasbord of films.

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