Sunday 19 February 2012

Film breakdown

In this post I will be breaking down my initial edit (rough) of my short film. I will then explain how I will address these issues and comment on any feedback for any particular part of the film.

Film start:

In the opening shot, faded in from black, Anthony (Daniel) is seen leaning up against the kitchen counter, I started with this shot as I found it rather authentic as I often stand in this position whilst in the kitchen also. By establishing the kitchen surroundings I hoped to achieve a 'grittyness' and realism of an everyday happening. I have received no criticisms for this opening frame yet so will leave it unchanged unless I see fit to change it.

By adding a reliance of 'Lola the dog' to break up scenes, this adds an isolation to Anthony and doesn't leave the film 'Anthony' heavy, especially in the opening which would certainly bore the audience. She is also a good  comic relief and adds to the sense of the setting being mundane and everyday life.

The main title screen as I call it. The title appears in the lower right of the frame and fades out, too. By copying the initial frame this reinforces the isolation and usual uneventful daily life of the character. I am unsure if there should be music to introduce the film. A fe tracks that ran through my mind was 'Crimson and Clover' and 'Boys Don't Cry'. These two songs are linked below:

These two songs start light heartedly which would fit the introduction of the film. Any recommendations or input would be fantastic regarding this issue.

The shot changes to that of a kettle boiling, the water is moving quite ferociously at this point. I included this to foresee coming events, this builds up the pace of the shot to the next shot...


By showing Lola (Lola) acknowledging the kettle has boiled and not Anthony (Danny), I hoped to imply the idea that Lola is more responsive as a character then to Anthony, as a further shot will emphasise. She also is standing, ready for something.


By closing up on the doorbell, I chose not to reveal the person ringing. This was to add a suspense, albeit for a very short time. 

Again I decided to show Lola reacting and not Anthony, Lola swings her head in the direction, but does not run towards the door like most dogs would do. This is a kind of Easter egg for all those film living dog owners. By doing so, Lola shows a heightened sense of what is at the door and remains calm.


In an attempt to not film down a narrow hall way, I chose to film from a wider angle from another room. Showing Anthony for a glimpse between the two doors reinforces our understanding of Anthony, we are at a distance from here and have not cracked the surface of the character.


From this point we as an audience realise the caller is in fact a postman in full attire. At this point we can identify with the postman, we are on the outside of Anthony, however, the postman comes bearing a package.


In this instance the conversation is purely pleasantries between Anthony and the postman, the two appear to get on well, before as an audience the postman is only doing his job and Anthony is just receiving his package. We do not see exactly what is being received, only that it is 'one letter, one package'.


Here we see the package. Unimpressive in shape, Anthony holds it at arms length, unsure about the proportions and just what it could be. I centred Anthony in the frame and avoided his face, this allowed the audience to fully clasp the package.


I like to use the same angles again in my work, and this is one that the audience will see another two times. I like to do this as I think the repeated angles shows a coming relief, backwards and forwards.

As stated in the previous frame, I do like to repeat certain angles, in this case Anthony becomes uninterested in this package, and returns to his paper. This routine behaviour would have Anthony perhaps never open this package.

In this shot, the newspaper is turned over revealing the package and diverting the attention of Anthony. Daniel, the actor portraying Anthony suggested this idea to me and was a great help throughout the filming, suggesting various other ways of shots and story telling.

This is shot from the counter itself, originally I had planned for the package to be shaking, much like the kettle was earlier in the film, however, I found it impossible to do so without making the film look really bad and amateurish. I decided to do it this way and have Daniel just naturally turning slowly, almost replicating Lola the dog in earlier scenes.

As Anthony opens the letter, you can see the attention to detail I included on the prop front, I created a solicitors letter and included headers and footers and even signed off the letter myself... In this scene, Daniel reads the letter (or some parts) in his head, this however sounds like he is reading aloud, so I will have to find a way to help the audience understand this is not the case.

Anthony proceeds to rip open the package. The sound effects here are courtesy of iMovie.I chose to show the initial opening at a distance, to acquire the facial features of the Actor as he opens the package.

I inserted Lola here as comic relief, this is often a view dog owners see, and one that cuts up the tension of the film rather nicely.

The 'reveal' moment, very unsure about sounds and audio here, a suspenseful note?

 I have been criticised here for 'showing too much arm', however, my initial thought was that I wanted the audience to be restricted by the arm and close off their view, which would of left it nicely to the next frame as the marbles fell unexpectedly.

As the marbles strike the floor, I was always going to be unsure of the location upon which they fall, however, by shooting from different angles, I closed off the group and was able to capture all but one in the frame.

Due to the noise of the marbles hitting the floor, little dog here runs away. Could this me a metaphor for their power? I hope the audience began to think so. 

 In this shot, a lone marble rolls away from the rest of the group.

As Anthony holds it to the light, it triggers a flashback. I split the footage to flash between really quickly, creating a crossover effect.

This particularly stunning scene is near Carlton Forehoe. I added in noises of geese and birds to give it a serene feel. 

 I wanted to introduce the character of Anthony'g Girlfriend/fiancĂ© as soon as possible and in a way that would make her instantly recognisable as Anthony's partner. This hand holding was the quickest and easiest way without cringe inducing dialogue.
By using this long dining table, I hoped to get the idea of distance between the two characters of Albert and Anthony. 

I took my time and filmed all around this location, as there were a lot of unusual items that I thought may give my film an eerie sense and feel. 

By placing Albert in this side of the frame at the far end of the room, I wanted to add another layer of meaning. Albert here is blocking of an open door. Closing Anthony off?

And here is Anthony, essentially with his 'back against the wall'. 

By referring to the marbles early on I wanted the audience to acknowledge the link between Albert's inheritance for Anthony. By him holding them and moving them when he's agitated, they absorb his aggression. 

This particular painting is very unique, I wanted to create an empire for Albert as he reigns over his dining room full of these oddments. The painting is also wearing a shirt and tie as is Albert in the present day. This is a connection as Albert always likes to be smartly dressed to keep his independence. 

As Albert tells Anthony to leave, he lowers his head, forcing Anthony to reluctantly leave. 

Emotional Anthony here brushes past his fiancĂ©, she is annoyed despite his commitment to her. 

 One final check that the audience has linked the two marbles.

Anthony drops the marble ending the flashback, he takes another look finding the afternoon very surreal. 

 Anthony's girlfriend arrives very cheerfully, blissfully un aware about what has happened.

As the dialogue is hesitant, this brings across an awkwardness and inability to comfort as Albert did not approve of the two's relationship as she had not converted to Albert's religion. 

Another wide corridor shot, the two walk apart as they had in the flashback, signifying distance and separation. 

 Here, the dog runs back to the kitchen. She would not want to miss the big finale after all.
The marble rolls by itself, like a magnet towards Anthony. The timing is perfect and Anthony slips. 

Sending him into an 'out of body experience'. This idea was particularly difficult to get across to the audience, although most did understand as this sequence is an extended metaphor for Anthony walking away from his religion and choosing his girlfriend. 

He looks into another house, looking for a way back, or a glimpse. 

Anthony shoots up, glassy eyed, gasping heavily. 

Lola the Dog stares eerily into the camera, with connotations she perhaps knew/inherited a spirit of Albert?

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