Sunday 12 February 2012

Prop by prop

So this is the box Anthony will receive in the post. Lovely looking thing with a nice finish. Found this in my loft. A few scratches and knocks only add to the authenticity.

I particularly like the design on the sides. Engravings are important in my book. 

These are the set of marbles that Anthony will receive in the post. Including the pink one that will ultimately take his life.
Postal box complete with postal label. Courtesy of Tiger Music. To be delivered by the postman. 

Solicitors letter that will arrive with the marbles. I thought I did well to recreate a real letter. Including the letterheads and disclosure panel.
This is the marble game Albert will be playing. I surrounded the inner marbles with a layer of white, white being pure and religious. Almost like a ritual board the pinky marble that kills Anthony is on the very centre circle. 

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