Thursday 16 February 2012

Filming done.

Filming took an almighty 3 hours yesterday and I managed to overcome the uploading failure. It turns out iMovie 11 and other editing software are notoriously bad at editing .vob files, which are ones shot on a dvd. I suppose this is a way to avoid piracy. Because of this I had to invade my loft to fetch an external drive, (my iMac is slot loading so cannot accept mini dvd discs), and essentially rip the dvd (actually committing piracy) to import my clips. I used a program called DVDripper for os x, I then had to convert the file to .m4a (I think) to import into iMovie. The entirety of the film and all shots was saved in one large clip, so was particularly annoying to find specific shots to edit. This whole process of converting drastically downgraded the quality and resolution of the film, it then was even more so downgraded as it was imported to edit in iMovie. I exported it in 720p in an attempt to salvage the remains, so am not sure how it will turn out in different mediums, i.e YouTube, vimeo and regular viewing on a file. Hit up to view the video.

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