Tuesday 20 September 2011

Treatment for initial idea

Untitled Short Film
A man, (Anthony) in his late twenties, early thirties is seen buttering his toast. He looks tired and is dressed in his pyjamas. Above him hangs a cross.  The calendar indicates, he is to be married in one week time.
The title appears on black. A doorbell is heard.
Cut back to the man, he turns to face the door and walks towards it, yawning. He fumbles for his keys, unlocks the door. The postman with a medium size box, we do not see the face of the postman. He thanks the man and locks the door.
He carries the box back into the kitchen. Staring as he finishes his breakfast. A ‘chink’ noise can be heard from the box.
The man goes to open the box; he takes a Stanley knife and proceeds to undo the box. He fishes around in the packaging and pulls a small mahogany box. He opens the box, a letter and a pouch. The letter is read aloud, he is alerted to find his grandfather has died, a left for him, the contents of the pouch.
A flashback, Anthony is holding hands walking to a house, knocking on the door. Cut to Anthony’s face, side on, another cross in the frame on the wall behind him.  He is midway in conversation, he looks nervous.
“This is the 21st century. It’s not a big deal.”
Cut to symmetrical shot of an elderly man, obviously furious with this news, snaps back.
“You have disgusted our Lord, with this protestant scum.”
“You can’t talk about her like that.”
Cut to the girlfriend (Marianne) outside the living room, standing nervously, trying not to eavesdrop but giving in occasionally.
“You’re just like your father, a stubborn brute! Leave!”
Anthony opens his mouth, goes to speak then lets his mouth close again. He smiles.
“It was good to see you again.”
He stands and leaves; he opens the door to see Marianne smiling.
“So?” she smiles.
He takes her by the hand and walks out.
Flashback is over.
Back in the kitchen, Anthony stares deeply into the marble, he holds it at a high angle. He starts to squeeze in frustration. It falls to the floor, as Anthony goes to pick it up, the doorbell is heard again. He answers, it is Marianne. He smiles and welcomes her in, explaining what has happened in the hall way.
He reaches the kitchen, unbeknownst the marble rolls towards the kitchen door. As Anthony walks in, he falls and hits his head hard. He stares motionless, the sound cuts to an orchestral religious song as screams are heard from Marianne all around him. The cameras, above his face slowly rises up, an ascension. He is saved from sin.

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