Monday 19 September 2011

Character Development

To be able to create/develop more fully rounded characters for G234 production piece; to show a sense of progression from AS to A2 (G325) in terms of character development.

Task 1: We were each given a picture of an individual and were set a task to create a character profile for them.

My photo feature a man of african origin sipping a coffee whilst on a laptop.

Name: Emmet Tobongo
Occupation: Athlete
Ethinicity: Trinidadian
Family: Divorced wife, deceased parents.

Emmet is an Trinidadian athlete who has been shunned by his country after his world record, gold medal achieving lap time was discovered to be fueled by illegal, performance enhancement drugs.

Task 2: We were then instructed to think of what our characters most precious possession would be and how they would react if they misplaced it.

Item: a plastic medal given to Emmet when he came first place in sports day in his old school in Trinidad.

Task 3: Finally we had to create a script pretending our character had a secret that only they knew about, but they have to reveal the secret to one other character and this other character acts as a block to their desire.

In my script, Emmet was on the verge to of been found out by his girlfriend Marianne, upon which he quickly changed the subject to marriage, after realising it would not be best to reveal his secret. 

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