Tuesday 29 November 2011

Initial Poster Idea

This is the poster I created earlier, the initial photo was taken in my garage with a block of wood with a hole cut in to create the effect. Then a marble was placed on a surface. I snapped a few different patters and then whilst creating the poster, decided on one solidarity marble would be more effective.

  • 'Colour of marble, good choice! Stands out!'
  • 'Font! :)'
  • 'The light around the marble makes it obvious that it's a significant part of the film.'
  • 'Light and shadow adds a good atmosphere.
  • 'Eerie!'
  • 'Like looking through a marble. (font)'
  • 'Black, like the humour'.
  • 'Like.'

Monday 28 November 2011

Research into similar films

Monty Python's 'Life of Brian' was a religious comedy film, it focuses on the life of Brian, a man who is mistaken for Jesus Christ as he was born next door to him.
The film contains themes of religious satire that were controversial at the time of its release, drawing accusations of blasphemy and protests from some religious groups. Thirty-nine local authorities in the UK imposed an outright ban on the film. Some countries, including Ireland and Norway, banned its showing, with a few of these bans lasting decades. The film makers used such notoriety to benefit their marketing campaign, with posters stating "So funny it was banned in Norway!".

The film is primarily based upon a mistake, and therefore is not essentially touching a taboo. This film is like mine in that its main theme is religion, although theirs is based on a religious story from the bible and an existing idea, unlike my self created one.

Bruce Almighty: The Movie is a comedy film starring Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman. Bruce (Carrey) is a down on his luck news reporter who complains to God. God then answers, giving Bruce all the powers of the deity himself.

The film was banned in Egypt and other Islamic countries as it featured the appearance of God as a normal looking man. The film became one of the highest grossing comedies ever, although focuses on God's powers, it became more of film of how Bruce would use them to his own gain and then see the errors of his ways rather than a film based on religion. As there is no visual deity in my film, I think I'll be all right if my film is released in the Islamic states.

'Dogma' is a hypothetical-scenario film revolving around the Catholic Church and Catholic belief, which caused organized protests and much controversy in many countries, delaying release of the film and leading to at least two death threats against Smith, the director. It tells the story of two fallen angels who had resigned their posts in God's heaven. They plan to get back in, by being forgiven, not realising that by doing so they will enter a paradox and undo Creation.

The film was the brain child of Smith and his own personal view of religion and its short comings and unexplained theories. It was the centre of many protests from the Catholic Church, Smith famously participated in one, ironically, and was even interviewed by a news channel. The film caused him to recieve many death threats, an award I am not hoping to recieve for my film.

Saved! is a 2004 comedy film. The film touches the issues of religion, ostracism, homophobia, teen pregnancy, divorce, and disabilities.

The film was popular with teens and all manner of fans. The film ends on the main character findhing her peace with God and thanking him for the experiences over the film to make her a better person.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Proposed date of filming

I have chosen the weekend of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th of December to shoot my short film. I realised that I only have one location to shoot so this should be feasible and allow a lot of time on set to make everything perfect.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Script Feedback

Today the class read through a copy of my script. I a majority of good feedback and some questions on how will shoot certain scenes. here is a list of the vocal feedback
'T can really imagine the people as real life and like the idea of a flashback. Also I didn't expect the twist at the end.'
'Good, unexpected twist.'
'I like the idea of challenging ideas.'
'No need to explain any more, good that the dialogue and shots will suffice.'

Monday 14 November 2011

Story Time

Today we were tasked with describing our plots and characters in a innovative way.
I quickly decided that our groups way would be telling each other stories after being locked in a room together until morning. Here is the finished result.


Monday 7 November 2011

Location Research

As their will be two locations, one physical and one animated and created. I only need to look for a house to use, preferably one with a spacey kitchen for plenty of room for the equipment. 

Release Forms

Name of Short Film ("Ascension") ……………………………………………………………….

Name of Production Company/Organiser (“Rolling”)


Description of Involvement ……………………………………………………………………


Date of Filming ................................................................................................................

Name of Contributor ……………………………………………………………………………

Address of Contributor …………………………………………………………………………


Contact Number of Contributor ………………………………………………………………

In consideration of the Organiser agreeing that I contribute to and/or participate in the Film, the nature and the content of which has been fully explained to me, I consent to the filming and recording of my contribution to and/or participation in the Film subject to the terms and conditions specified below.

Signed by Contributor …………………………………………………………………………..

Thursday 3 November 2011

Prop List

Marbles- To avoid them looking too childish and achieve a darker tone, I will try to find some misty coloured ones and preferably some darker ones.

Wooden Box- a small chestnut wooden box would be preferable to appreciate the darker tones of the film, rather than a cardboard box.

Cardboard box- for the postal worker to deliver.

Character Profiles

-Early twenties, Anthony was in care until he was 8 years old until he was adopted by Albert. In Albert's strict, religious house he grew up along may other children Albert had also fostered and adopted. There he formed close bonds to his many brothers and sisters who in turn held him in the highest regards. Anthony finished his GCSE's and went onto further education. He went to University but was constantly homesick for the town he grew up in. He dropped out and went onto a mechanics apprenticeship where he met his girlfriend as she was a customer. They went on a few dates and eventually formed a good relationship. Anthony did not realise, however, that she was a Roman Catholic until he visited her parents house and saw the religious imagery around the estate. Knowing this would prevent Albert from allowing Anthony to marry her, he vowed that she would convert. He was lying. He put of the talks of conversion eventually reaching the point in the film to where we flashback to.

-Albert grew up in Scotland. During World War 2 he was evacuated to the countryside where he stayed with a pair of very religious people who were also the parish's preachers. He would of been scolded incredibly he did not learn his passages thoroughly. By the end of the War he had decided to become a missionary abroad in countries, mostly in the continent of Africa. There he saw orphans with no hope in life and upon returning home, some ten years later, devoted his life to adopting children and bringing them up. In his lifetime Albert has fostered some 37 children, most of which are now married and having children. The new parents are often in contact with Albert almost everyday. Albert, now an elderly man, is seeing the rest of his 'flock' go off and get married before his next journey takes him to America to become a preacher himself.

-Early twenties, Michelle is of Roman Catholic origins. Growing up on a country estate made Michelle want to experience the work. Taking a gap year she went to Thailand before returning back to the estate to work with her father's business in real estate. She would show people round homes. She was running late one day when she crashed her car and entered Anthony's mechanical garage.

Script Update

I showed my initial script to Mrs Brogan yesterday. We voiced it and she helped me change certain formatting errors and advised me to beef up some content. Particularly the creation of the fragmentation between the relationship of Anthony and his foster father, in this case, religion.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Script Draft

Ryan Cole

01953 607804



ANTHONY PILKS (early twenties, dark hair and a fair complexion) is seen leaning over a kitchen counter. He is waiting for his kettle to boil, whilst reading a newspaper. 'Ascension' appears beside him. A cross is seen in the far wall. The doorbell is heard. A small dog, lying in its basket, slightly reacts to the noise. ANTHONY is still looking at the magazine. The doorbell rings again. ANTHONY puts down the magazine and walks away. The cross is gone. He opens a door. Antony walks along a corridor, walks to the door and opens it.
A postal worker, shoulder height, hands ANTHONY a box and asks him to sign for it. ANTHONY takes it. He shuts the door. He walks back to the kitchen, takes out a small knife and opens the cardboard box.
He removes a small wooden, chestnut box and opens it; he pulls out a pouch and a small letter.

Dear Mr...I regret to inform you...death of your grandfather.
Please find enclosed...inheritance. He wanted you to have this.

He opens the pouch, undoing the strings and emptying the contents onto the kitchen counter. Marbles roll. The marbles roll over the counter and spill over. ANTHONY picks one up and stares deeply into the marble.



ANTHONY and his girlfriend, MICHELLE MCARTHUR, 22, are walking, hand in hand towards a house.



ANTHONY is standing on one side, an elderly white haired man, ALBERT, on the other, sitting. A cross is seen behind him. ALBERT is fumbling with beads.

So everything is planned for this time next year! All her family is coming down from Ireland-

Ha! More Catholics.

-and obviously everyone from back in care is coming.

Has she converted yet?

‘Cause I haven’t seen some of those guys in decades or since they were living here-

Has she converted yet?

She's not..converting.

Get out.

The words as text slip out of his mouth and fill the frame beside him.

It doesn't matter, like it did anymore!

Get out!

The text is more capitalised and sharper.




The doorbell rings loudly.

ANTHONY jumps in fright, he drops the marble and goes for the door again, he answers it. MICHELLE walks in.

Hey, you! What's up?

They embrace.

Albert passed away.

Oh...well, I mean…


They embrace again.
I know he brought you up, but he wasn’t all that great.


They walk to the kitchen.

He left me these.

He holds them up to show MICHELLE.

ANTHONY slips on a marble. His head hits the floor. ANTHONY stares wide eyed at the ceiling. Chaos ensues.

ANTHONY has angel wings, floats up to heaven. Above him, a great hand, belonging to grandfather, with a puppet strings controller.


Text on screen, with VO, reciting: Heb.13:5b    I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.